I grew up with all of them!
Stallone might be my favorite, because he also writes and directs.
So much heart, even in the action flicks.
But the most recent rewatched action film though, HARD TARGET, with JCVD, directed by John Woo!
Better and better with each viewing!

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When I think of Jean Claude Van Damme, my brain defaults to Bloodsport and Kickboxer. Especially the scene where he gets blinded hehe. Anyway, I get a surprising amount of JCVD requests, so I'm gonna file this under the post where I asked what folks would wann…

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Even Double Dragon 3 couldn't keep the Lee brothers' hair/outfit colors straight. The ending image for the arcade version is similar to the boxart for the FC version, while Billy's portrait in the player select screen was lifted from the movie Cyborg starring JCVD.

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"It seems like just yesterday that I first saw the movie Bloodsport with only 5 years old."#MEGAPOSITIVE

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C dit : L'eau c qqch d concret ms pas concret Pcq l'eau peut me nourrir, ms aussi l'eau peut me porter Vouala

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