I laid in bed tonight and finally read through all of Bone by @/jeffsmithsbone in one go

It was amazing, please go pick it up.

6 47

Thanks to "Corrupt File" for his short dive into and the rest of Jeff's graphic novels. The video makes the TUKI book cover look like candy-if I didn't have a copy I'd want one!!


2 4

10 Commonly Banned Graphic Novels & Why They're Banned

Some of the best comics and graphic novels have been banned over the years, and not always for good reasons.


34 91

What If...?
E se o Sempé ilustrasse o Bone de ?

And if Sempé is illustrated as Jeff Smith's Bone ?

3 28

PLOX Volume 2 Kickstarter! He's thisclose to meeting his goal - push it over the edge why don't ya! It's really good stuff!


3 9