今日心底ヤバかったのは、昨年LAで体験した全天球型VR、SAMSKALA,ANDROID JHONESのインスタレーション上映。VRヘッドセット装着で、リアルでの体験と全く遜色のない360°VRトリップ。強烈なDMTサイケデリック体験ができる。

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QUEEN MOTH me gane este art , no me esperaba tan hermoso art !!!!! 〒▽〒 a manos de , siempre voy amar este coord y los dibujos que me hacen con el ayyyy todo pintado a mano es increíble algún día espero llegar a ese lvl 💙 amo mal !!

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Blizzard's short "Honor and Glory" really captivated me and I decided to reproduce one of my favorite scenes!
Painting process in this link: https://t.co/2WCwr6BdbV
Check my Instagram sammy_jhoness and facebook page "Sam's Workshop" for WIPs and tips!

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In this step, I do the first layer of shadow and shadows. I don't really like greyish colors, so I try to use vibrant ones while keeping the aesthetics of the reference. The contrast between them is quite important as well, please keep this in mind! Follow Sammy_jhoness on inst!

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