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#Empyre so far...
🌱Road to #Empyre: #KreeSkrullWar #1 #, cov by #PhilNoto
🌱#Empyre #Avengers #0, cov by #JimCheung/#GurueFX
🌱#Empyre #FantasticFour #0, cov by #JimCheung/#GurueFX
🌱#Empyre #1, cov by #JimCheung/#FrankMartin
@DanSlott @Al_Ewing #MarvelCosmic
Out this #NCBD!
By @Al_Ewing, @DanSlott, @ValerioSchiti, @martegracia, @JoeCaramagna, #CarlosLao, #MartinBiro, @AlannaWrites and @TomBrevoort
Cover by #JimCheung and @frankmartinbox
Out this #NCBD!
By @Al_Ewing, @DanSlott, @ValerioSchiti, @martegracia, @JoeCaramagna, #CarlosLao, #MartinBiro, @AlannaWrites and @TomBrevoort
Cover by #JimCheung and @frankmartinbox
Brian's original art collection #9 (of 10)
In a better world I'd be able to get more work done by the supremely awesome #JimCheung. If I can't then I'm glad I got a drawing of my favorite #YoungAvenger #KateBishop #Hawkeye
#ShangChi variant covers by #PaulGulacy would be very cool!
@Marvel @geneluenyang @dike_ruan @philipsytan #JimCheung
https://t.co/L0ERmKLH1L #ShangChiAndTheLegendOfTheTenRings
This first arc concludes this week - will 007 accept that the mission is too big for one spy, and seek assistance...or will pride be his downfall?
@definitelyvita @weredawgz @ericgapstur @CommentAiry #JimCheung @NateCosBOOM
Some exciting @007 news out today, and tomorrow we've got an awesome comic book out! It's Bond season!
@definitelyvita @weredawgz @ericgapstur @artofroshan @HassanOE #JimCheung #JamesBond #NoTimeToDie
A fake is only the beginning...James Bond is forced into a world he doesn't understand!
Don't miss this second issue at your store this week!
@definitelyvita @weredawgz @ericgapstur @artofroshan @CommentAiry #JimCheung #JamesBond #NoTimeToDie
More people need to be reading @Ssnyder1835's #JusticeLeague!! The mythology of the #DCUniverse, the stories of our favourite heroes and villIains are all being fantastically expanded and enriched. Kudos also must go to @JamesTheFourth, @JorgeJimenezArt & #JimCheung!
#JimCheung llegará con su precioso arte a @lamolemx. El artista estrella de #JusticeLeague dibujó éxitos de #Marvel como #Avengers vs #XMen, Spider-Men y New Avengers: Illuminati, entre muchos otros hitazos.
thank you again for all the support today for JUSTICE LEAGUE #6...
Here's #jimcheung's cover to next issue, the finale of this first arc!
#JusticeLeague #1 from @Ssnyder1835 #JimCheung @tomeu_morey @TENapolitano @mark_morales11 @DCComics
Out this Wednesday.
Buy it. Read it. Love it. Thank me later.
Out next week!
A New Justice begins in JUSTICE LEAGUE #1!
By @Ssnyder1835, #JimCheung, @mark_morales11 and @tomeu_morey!
Covers by Cheung and @JimLee and @ScottW_inks!
Today's the day...
#JUSTICELEAGUE 1 by #jimcheung @tomeu_morey & me final order cutoff! W sales on No Justice what they are, it's not unlikely it'll be underprinted unless you order ahead. So order yours today w your lcs if possible! Just dont want anyone to miss this one. Thks!
... @Ssnyder1835, #JimCheung AND @JorgeJimenezArt on JUSTICE LEAGUE?!