【霹靂靖玄錄】公式サイト:https://t.co/2Oo8hTExKy 吞日馭龍主:「萬里黃沙不見僧,狂風暴雨掩儒生,天下從此我為首,傲立頂峰馭龍名。」 2019年6月21日(金)公開予定

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【霹靂靖玄錄】公式サイト:https://t.co/2Oo8hTExKy 疏樓龍宿:「華陽初上鴻門紅,疏樓更迭,龍鱗不減風采;紫金簫,白玉琴,宮燈夜明曇華正盛, 共飲逍遙一世悠然。」 2019年6月21日(金)公開予定

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The vote is out! won Public Choice cash £500 (c)Jingxuan Hu

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The vote is out! won Public Choice cash £500 (c)Jingxuan Hu

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The vote is out! won Public Choice cash £500 (c)Jingxuan Hu

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Indulge Me, Jingxuan Hu won Highly Commended#painting. What's yours? by 7/2

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Indulge Me, Jingxuan Hu won Highly Commended#painting. What's yours? by 7/2

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Indulge Me, Jingxuan Hu won Highly Commended#painting. What's yours? by 7/2

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