I actually wanted to take a little break from drawing at the moment but today on Ko-fi supported me so sweetly that I wanted to thank her with the sketch 💋💋💋

10 88

🍀1/2 🍀

Sherlock was playing a new melody on his violin & when midnight rang, John couldn't help himself & jumped out of his chair, went up to Sherlock, grabbed his arm and pulled him down & kissed him passionately

10 77

I wish you great holidays even if it was hard time this year, I hope you can still enjoy a few happy hours with your loved ones.

1 25

🎄Only a few days left until Christmas. And our 2 Boys make it cozy by the fireplace and a good book. was inspired and wrote something gorgeous 🎄


17 76

Hello! I’ve decided to restart my Twitter, so here is some festive johnlock

5 23

Will we make it to 500 Followers by Sunday 6.December ? Then I would start a small Raffle. With christmas postcards and some stickers, what do you think?

8 36

A beautiful 🕯 1st Advent I wish you all. Here my art in better quality. You still need some presents! Have a look in my Redbubble Shop. Today gives 20-60% on everything

6 54

After the last sweaty Post... both deserve a shower. John wanted to give his lover the attention he deserved and spoiled him with a head massage. His hands moved in a gentle rhythm...

11 122

An oldie - but I like it so I'm posting it again. Fight me. 😜

4 43

I love tender kisses and I hope you can see on the picture how much they love each other ❤️❤️❤️

13 79

Hello my sweet, I do not manage to post tomorrow... But maybe a day later. I do my best! (The pirate costume has nothing to do with my new art. it's just funny) 🤷😂

2 32

1 year ago I deleted the instagram and I wanted to share it with you again because it is so beautiful

1 41

This was my last Post, I had a lot of fun and maybe they have a short vacation in between, but I still want to do some things for the raffle and then there are a lot of other ideas waiting

6 62

"Sherlock, where are you, I wasn't finished with you yet!" John got greedy in the morning and Sherlock senses that it's been a long... very long day

6 89