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#Marill and #Azumarill for the #Johtodex!
Full disclosure, Marill is one of my favorite #pokemon of all time. I grew up in the era when the playground rumors called it “Pikablu.” I fell in love with it when it first appeared in “Pikachu’s Vacation.”
#Aipom for the #Johtodex!
Aipom tends to get a bad rap for looking like a creepy monkey, but I always thought it was pretty cute. It’s appearance in the third #Pokemon movie sold me on it being a potential playful shoulder companion for any trainer.
#Stantler for the #Johtodex!
The first time I saw Stantler was in the anime in its debut episode where it could put people under illusions with a scent emitted from its antlers, which is what inspired this painting.
#Vulpix and #Ninetales for the #Johtodex!
Between the version exclusive fire canines I’ve always been on the team of the fire foxes. Even to this day there’s a mystical and special aura about them that I still love.
#Growlithe and #Arcanine for the #Johtodex!
Ah yes, Arcanine, the legendary #pokemon that existed before the category was firmly established. Even as a regular pokemon, there’s still something majestic about his design and the awe surrounding him in the older games.
#Snubbull and #Granbull for the #Johtodex!
I’ve always really liked the two skittish bulldogs, it’s cool to see these two fairy species now have a type that matches.
#Voltorb and #Electrode for the #Johtodex!
The exploding pokeball mimics are not my favorite pokemon to encounter unexpectedly, but I had fun painting their Explosion attack!
#Grimer and #Muk for the #Johtodex!
I never really use these two on my teams, but boy do I have many experiences taking forever to take them down between their defenses, acid armor, and minimize.
#Koffing and #Weezing for the #Johtodex!
I was recently hunting these two on my copy of Crystal in the Burned Tower. Koffing was easy enough but Weezing is such a rare encounter and the first one I found self-destructed…
#Yanma for the #Johtodex!
Yanma is actually one of my all-time favorite bug type pokemon designs! Mostly because I just love dragonflies in general but in #pokemon form they are adorable <33
#Pinsir for the #Johtodex!
Pinsir is an intimidating looking dude. Remember in the anime when one tried to crush Ash’s Metapod in half? Brutal.
Heracross is trending, time to post my painting of one for my #johtodex project
Niantic give the bug back to his region #freeheracross