thinking jontim thoughts

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no thoughts only jontim

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It’s still 2019 for me so take this totally-not-the-right-year s1 archival staff New Years stuff as a jonmartin extension for the s1 jontim mistletoe art. pls ignore the ooc.

And happy new year y’all 🎉🎉🎉

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the three pieces I did for for the wonderful fic Drowning in time to a desperate beat:
I enjoyed a lot reading that fic and even more drawing these <3<3<3 Please give it a read if you like timartin (and jontim) :D

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"I doubt there's much more words can do for us..." /// got my JonTim commission from and I couldn't be more thrilled and heartbroken simultaneously (and I finally have! actual art! of my archivist! and tim!!! thank you bab 😘)

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the space between // the night before

I was requested some Tim lovin/angst last week! so have some vague jontim for the soul

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