F is for Fairchild.

Loved Gen-13 back in the day, still like a few characters, specially Fairchild and Rainmaker.

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More (can’t find a better name and october is ending 😅)

D is for Diehard.

I love Youngblood, all the topics are there, but it was cool stuff to read in my teens.

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Following with

B is for Brit

I had better suggestions like Bloodwulf or Backlash, but Brit totally captured all that I love about comicbooks: badassery, goofy goryness and a relatable character.

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What if Spiderman is a supernatural hero returned from the dead seeking vengeance?

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“il ragno e il gatto nero”
What if Spidey and the Black Cat travel through time to Venice in the Renaissance?


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I don’t have name for them,
SpiderBabe sounds fun, but might be offensive?.
And not sure how “The Scorpioness” sounds for English speakers.

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Trying the same redesign exercise done with Batman but with Spidey.

Spidey with super powered armor fighting a Green Goblin in a futuristic city.


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What if Batman was a tokusatsu hero (á la Ultraman) and becomes huge to fight kaijus.

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Have not read Chainsaw Man yet but I’m totally in love with the powerful covers of the manga.
Hope you like my humble rendition

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The Bat
Today’s based on is...
If Bruce Wayne was a pulp hero on a 90’s cartoon with anthropomorphic animals...

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Damien Darkblood
or Demon Detective (such a cool name)
Quite different treatment from the comicbook, not only his appearance but also his importance on the investigation.

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Another from this personal project.
The codename is “Mace”.

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Seems like you have been enjoying my Invincible drawings so here’s another try at Omni Man.
I wasn’t much satisfied with my previous version so I used the infamous scene as theme.

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🦑Nor is it to be thought that man is either the last of earth’s masters, or that the bulk of life walks alone. The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are & the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, They walk primal & to us unseen🎨JoseRealArt🦑#Cthulhu

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