Ubirajara jubatus life restoration (dorsal mane interpreted as a hypothetical taphonomic displacement of the filaments)

28 100

Perhaps some day I'll finish this Ubirajara jubatus, but not for this

13 62

For Me, It Is The McChicken. The Best Fast Food Sandwich

10 55

Ubirajara jubatus/compsognathid theropod that lived during the early Cretaceous period in Brazil

3 11

CLOSEUPS because twitter really butchered the quality of this ref gotdamn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 11

Tô um pouquinho atrasado quanto ao assunto, mas aqui está minha homenagem ao NOSSO Ubirajara jubatus, que infelizmente teve seu fóssil levado pra fora do país.

18 83

jubatus: un pequeño dinosaurio compsognátido del Cretácico Inferior (115 Maños) del NE de Brasil. Este dinosario destaca por sus plumas, preservadas en el fósil: una serie de plumas largas en el lomo y otras 4 más largas que partían de los hombros

0 2

Ubirajara jubatus

("if he's your man why is he trying to impress me with his keratin spikes and his protofeathers")

7 31

Ubirajara jubatus!! Such a beautiful species that unfortunately was stolen from our beloved Brazil...

17 55

O novo dinossauro brasileiro (Ubiraja jubatus) não está no Brasil e nenhum cientista brasileiro participou do estudo. O fóssil foi roubado e está na Europa.
Queremos o fóssil de volta.

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Tentei homenagear uma nova espécie de dinossauro brasileiro (Ubirajara jubatus), cujo fóssil foi levado pra fora do Brasil e que agora nossos pesquisadores lutam pra repatriar de volta. Mas acho que criei um dino-tamanduá! Amigos da paleo me perdoem! 🙏🤣

31 490

After hearing about the new cretaceous compsognathid on the block I immediately had to doodle it.
Ubirajara jubatus sports some pretty weird filaments, probably for display.
Tried to somewhat evoke the style of old bird illustrations.

37 122

.Ubirajara jubatus.
think about the word 'flamboyant'
and now give it a physical dinosaurian form and this fella will appear

4 44

The first Gondwanan non-avian theropod with
preserved filamentous integumentary structures: jubatus

4 12

槍のような突起をもつ新種の恐竜「ウビラヤラ」 Ubirajara jubatus

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Ubirajara jubatus.
유비라자라 주바투스
브라질에서 발견. 두꺼운 깃털 갈기도 독특한데 어깨에 뻣뻣한 장식깃같은 구조물이 보인다. 콤프소그나투스과 공룡들에 깃털이 있을 것이라 예상하곤 했는데 이제 빼박이다.

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A very quick and rough sketch of the newly described Ubirajara jubatus. They got quite the display going on.

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Meet Ubirajara jubatus, a Cretaceous Compsognathid with peculiar soft tissue preservation! Dinosaurs keep getting weirder. https://t.co/AU4VVgFvHa

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