Day 13 - Drift Away
I got distracted doing something else but I managed to finish today’s prompt yey

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Day 7: Survival

When it all comes down to it, you will do anything to survive

1 4

Day 9+10 - Broken Daffodils
Did two for today since I was late for yesterday’s! Also going back to my concepts of Life and Death. I missed them~~ it’s not gore or horror but oh wells

4 12

Day 6: (Funky) Heart

It disturbs me that I created this image from my mind

3 8

(skipping day 5 because I didn't wanna do it)

KaiEmTohber 2021 day 6: Heart

2 9

Day 7 - Survival
The amount of mental gymnastics I had to do to have the prompt equal this drawing is umm… long. So no. Also thanks for raids !!!

3 11

Day 3: Meathead

Their pronouns are they/tham. I took today’s prompt quite literally.

2 10

Day - Gnashing
Decided to have low quality traditional stream for ~ also someone suggested a gold tooth and I said yes

3 13