Thank you for the opportunity : ) This is my tiefling wizard Kallas <3

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Mine has got to be Kallas, my lonely lil tiefling...just enjoy drawing him a lot!!

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kallas( )ちゃんのシャオンちゃんをお絵描きしてみた

14 43

Thank you for the art share 😊
I have so many but I’ll focus on these four!
Kallas - tiefling wizard trapped in Shadowfell
Ephraim - eccentric drow transmutation wizard, runs a shop
Wil - penny pinching tiefling wild magic sorcerer
Gavril - sunny and curious but clumsy fire mage

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Almost didn’t have enough, but! I draw my tiefling wizard Kallas every chance I can :’ )

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This is Kallas, my little tiefling wizard! He is insecure about his appearance and whether or not he is a bad person, and he’s proud of his resourcefulness and sometimes his “lack of care,” though perhaps he shouldn’t be.

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Oh man I have so many tiefs...💜
Here’s a few ☺️
Kallas, Wil, Lyrrus, and Reverie

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[XVI The Tower]

My wife and I have been assigning arcana to our characters, and this was my pick for Kallas.
Hopefully I’ll draw more and then make them look more like cards, but for now here is my Kallas illustration!

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Kallas is always good for a vent picture :’ )

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Can Kallas and Quinn be friends .... Quinn's arc ended with them being tethered to the Shadowfell so now they're just ... vibin. Also THE FAMILIAR ... art by @/errantwheat

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kallas for ! he has such a wonderful design i kinda regret drawing him from the back haha

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Shuttle astronauts fly out to retrieve a wayward satellite. Artist's concept by Chris Kallas for Hughes Aircraft, 1984.

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Collab between and me!
Nemia lights up the dark for Kallas...<3 She protect

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New outfits for my charas Kallas, Wil, and Luka! For the : > Thank you , , , and for the suggestions! <3

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"Sniper, nu ska jag visa dig varför jag kallas för Silver, den lilla blixtsnabba hunden" - Gin/Silver

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Decided I had to color Lyrrus and Kallas😭
Feywild and Shadowfell❤️

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