got my commission of Kallian and Alistair from 🥰🥰🥰

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New design for Kallian (featuring her loyal mabari Rageass)

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A commission I had the pleasure to work on for 🥰 She's the fierce and beautiful Kallian Tabris, Hero of Ferelden😍 Thank you so much for commissiong me Gyn, I loved working with you!

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my girl Kallian, my canon Warden. Bi city elf rogue, heart belongs to King Alistair 🥰 she’s fierce and can be ruthless, but is sweet and caring with those she loves 😌

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Boarding today's Dragon Age mood to upload something I repainted a while ago but didn't bring to Twitter as its own post.

Bann Teagan and warden Kallian Tabris, from my own fic 🖤

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Hi, I’m Emrys or Kallian, I do digital art, both in Dragon Age and Mass Effecf (as well as other fandoms), and here are some of my favourite pieces I’ve drawn 😌

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Hi, I’m Kallian (going with my DA name for this one)! I draw mostly my own OCs, but I love doing all kinds of DA themed stuff and am hoping to branch out into more styles (determined to do DA tarot cards one day!)

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An artist rendition of me making conversation about ANYTHING other than information about BG:DA 2. 🤣

We love you. As soon as there is official word, your (frightened) Goblin with a laptop will deliver. 💚

/ /

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For K, we have Kallian Antiqua, prince and regent of the High Entia. A wise leader and dedicated brother, Kallian leads the High Entia while his sister travels to save the world. While he can seem harsh at times, nothing is more important to him than his sister and his people.

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Commission progress ✨ This is Kallian!

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[2020] Kallian antiqua the only prince ever...

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Ever since I posted that older Kallian and Teagan piece, I spent some time each week making an alternate version with a more intimate scene ♥

Full 18+ composition:

And hi-res uploaded to my Tier 3 Patrons 🏰

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Akar Kessell done for
...or according to my file repository HandsomeFloatyBoi123186pfff2434.psd

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Finished Kallian! Think I’m gonna take a break from Meet the Heroes Xenoblade for a while, but I might make Future Connected stuff another time

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This one pairs well with my DA:O Kallian! ✨

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Happy bday Andy!! 🎉🎉 Your lore posts are so impressive and !detailed!!

I'm Ane/Juliane and in my free time I paint fanart + personal stuff ☺

The fic (DAO Kallian Tabris x Bann Teagan)

A collection with fic scenes & DA art ♥

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onto prompt number 19 now, a little dark!Kallian

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Congratulations! Thanks for running this contest! I'm torn because my first heart always says "Nathaniel Howe" but I wouldn't say no to some OC love either so, here's a beautiful pic of either Elsa Cousland or Kallian Tabris, done by the amazing @/LilithKBArt

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Happy birthday Andy! I always love reading your lore posts!
My name is Emrys or Kallian, I don’t mind which, and I do digital art, from Dragon Age and Mass Effect and The Elder Scrolls, to original characters 😌

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