After talking to my brother, I updated Ceres’s team to make it more well rounded

So! Welcome Kangaskhan and Shiny Talonflame ✨


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Its simple but I love that Kangaskhan's Mega Evoltution notes were just "Their child becomes an assist". Best Gigantamax goes to the gaping maw of Gengar

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Patreon pic (December) for

Kangaskhan has Ben as a sticker for the second time -- with Christmas theme

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5-Mega evolución/Gigantamax fav
De megas me gustan las de Absol y Kangaskhan, pero me quedo con la de Altaria en honor a mi nena en el Zafiro Alfa 💓💓💓
Y de Gigantamax Lapras me gusta, pero la que más gracia me hace es la de Snorlax XDDD

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5. fav mega/dynamax/gigantamax
ngl i dont really feel any sort of way about most of the "gimmick" pokemon.. they just sort of exist :/ however mega kangaskhan being just a kangaskhan with its baby grown out of its pouch is fucking amazing

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Another piece of art for another wonderful artist that has inspired me as I have spent many a year just lurking in the dark. For the loveable who I adore squishing under my butt as a big, fat kangaskhan...~ <3

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Time to give a makeover to BB Kangaskhan.

Fun fact: Cubone is actually smaller than the baby Kangaskhan. These are official models from the games, Unaltered other than colour.

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Este post era para ayer pero bueno.
Feliz día de la madre atrasau.
Mañana toca otro coquemon porque Spotlight hour challenge.

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Kangaskhan sounds like country name but they got motherly pocket that i think its so LSK

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Not really a balloon or blimp, but inflatable kangaskhans are always fun~~

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