Forfeit all mortal possessions to the Tokarev

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No lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever.

Kareva Margarita

29 84

Lyrical Tokarev Kill Them All 🎀🪄

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A Dr. Ella Karev recently asked me to create art for her upcoming presentation. It'll be during the University of Chicago's Humanities Day program that's happening on 10/15/22. If you have an interest in history or want to spot my art certainly give it a look!

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Q FNブローハイアーネイン着弾見せねえ。祖父の手入れの銃なんて信用しませーん黒星tokarev以下ですあんな奴が興したマフィア銃なんて。

A 軍用ハンドレット以外ゴミちゃんは44口径でグリズリー全弾着弾殺狙ってたの。グリヤロは絶対一回tokarevで死んで吊るし見せさせられねえと無様ダーメ。俺は45。

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"Shouldn't have messed with the Ignitionbound Flower!"

"Maybe next time, don't hold back!"

(Tokarev exclusive) "NOT SO HIGH AND MIGHTY NOW, HUH?!"

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Tiara (2018) / SEVENTH WONDER 。新譜リリース目前復習キャンペーン。Tommy KarevikがKAMELOTだけでなく本家を忘れないでいたことが何より嬉しいです。4年前にこれほどスゴいアルバムを手渡されて、次の作品に期待しないわけがありません。Welcome back!

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that's what's happening with Tokarev recently

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happy pre-kareva day
เสร็จโว้ยยยยยยยยยยยยยยยยยยย น้ำตาจะไหลแล้ว ฮือ
ทุกคนมาดูลูกสาวหนุ มาดูคุณคาเรวาคนสวย 😭😭😭

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2/3 Neurography was discovered and developed by Pavel Piskarev, psychologist and creativity entrepreneur. Here is a descriptive quote:

Creative method, that allows you to make the necessary personal changes, remove restrictions and successfully simulate a new, desired reality.

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No lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever.

Kareva Margarita

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Lyrical Tokarev, K*ll Them All~
sorry for the hiatus, had a truckload of exams

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"Tirion upon Tuna" by Anton Tokarev.

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Splatoon X Takarazuka Revue inspired art. Japan is eating me, so Jason as Second Lieutenant Iijun

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Featured Art of the Day: "Anime: GFL Tokarev at your service". Buy it at:

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Featured Art of the Day: "Anime: GFL Tokarev's King's tailor". Buy it at:

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