Derpy is trying her best to get those Hearth's Warming gifts and letters delivered despite the technical difficulties.
Artwork is by Karzahnii!

36 222


Who is your favorite Baron? (Or should that be your least favorite)?

Evil Barons...Karza, Mordo, Zemo, Blood, von Strucker, some other?

15 157

Unamed karzahni Matoran the new mask is on the way and will arrive shortly

19 89

IDW Hasbroverse Cover Date June 2017 Part 2 - Storylines/Events: Micronauts Wrath Of Karza - What’s It Really Like - Jem and the Holograms Infinite - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero!

1 6

IDW Hasbroverse Cover Date May 2017 Part 1 - Storylines/Events: G.I. Joe - Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook - MASK - Micronauts Wrath Of Karza - The Next Day

2 8

IDW Hasbroverse Cover Date April 2017 Part 1 - Storylines/Events: G.I. Joe - MASK - Micronauts Wrath Of Karza - New Cybertron End: Feel Safe Without Regrets - Aw Yeah Revolution!

1 7

The bottle city of Kandor is under siege by the former ruler, now exile of the Microverse until it's Dynamic Duo arrives!

Nightwing and Flamebird vs. Baron Karza!

1 20

Hej, mordki
Kto tu u mnie bywa, na bank chociaż kojarzy postać Pleśniaka – mojego ukochanego przyjaciela
Czasy są ciężkie, potrzebuje pieniędzy na lekarza i nie pozwala mi być swoją sugar mommy, więc reklamuję jego pracę bo robi komisze

90 64

jutro musze sie zapisac sama do lekarza bo przebilam sobie przypadkiem bebenek uszny i mam zatkane ucho caly czas tragedia

0 0

Follow Neti, Diamondra and Karza 3-4 years before Brekfast's largest town was created: La Confiserie.


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