I did this a few years ago and it’s still one of my favorite drawing. >///< You can redraw it if you want.

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I very quick comission I did for my good friend ! (I srill have to change some details)

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I don’t do backgrounds much but I attempted it on this one (around 6 months old now)

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This is kind of old but I can't pass up a chance for kasey golden to maybe redraw my art

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This is my oc Comet! I actually made her for the draw this in your style craze lmao

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I love your artwork and you're such a huge inspiration to me, thank you for the chance of my oc being drawn in your style! This is Bismuth, my demon mage!

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This is such a cool "event"! I love it when artist are interacting with their community! ^^

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I would live to see how you draw creatures! Not much going on but its the most simple. And mostly the only drawing I can get right for him...#kaseythedraw

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I wanna see what you can do with this!!! Honestly there isn't a righ or wrong way to draw him.

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Thought I’d give it a shot lol. This is my original character Aven. She is a forestry type healer/cleric.

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