This morning warm-up of hooman Cure! Drawing her hair is just really fun...

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Cassius gently cupping whomever's face~

*Listen*. Drawing these are super fun and good practice for smooches okay- 💦

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An excellent introductory smooch to kick things off! Cassius knows his manners, and it's only polite to greet people this way~...I'm gonna do more of these now.

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An evening warm-up of Cassius activating his Rite of Flames and his Necrotic Shroud ✨

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Warm up of the evening of Fatima as dark elf from She's recently beat up Mikael in Whiterun, because Respect Women Or Else.

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Warm up of the evening! Of Arte putting her hair up before painting. Because having fair hair while working with paint? A dangerous activity...and I know what it's like to get paint in your hair, it's not fun!

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