Happy 18th to Jak 2. It's not my favorite in the series but it had It's moments. Loved a lot of the characters, the plot was a bit holy but the graphics improved greatly.

I share some of my fav Jak 2 related art.

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A comic about Keira, part 2: The Crash

The start of a different life. 1/4

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A comic about Keira, part 1: change

Changed the dialogue a bit, so it feels more like a real conversation. 1/4

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An old piece I did of Keira.
Working on some character development stuff for her.
In the meantime, here's this: Keira post Jak 3, starting her sage training, setting up shop in the forest because it reminds her of home.

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Photo by Kaicom Shenzi Crafts & Arts and with Socracboum cosplay (Keira)

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