this is actually coming out REALLY GOOD??? after not making a fursuit in 5 years wtf ... I was going for a mix of kemono style with matching the art style of my own character mage!

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🦋 Have some art of ma bby Sev :3 I love how this turned out ^^🦋

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This is a Ready-to-Wear partial I’ll have up for auction soon on DealersDen! Waiting on some bits coming in the mail + I need to finish the showcase video!

Comes with Head, Paws, Tail, Badge (TBM), Ref + Small Care Kit!

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I'm not all bad, I know how to share! 🐶 A little over four days left on the ladder auction, still less than $1k with NO reserve!

Thanks to all who have shared and bid so far! :3

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Beautiful art commission made by Lilli Sketch studios on Facebook. and I will be going to Disneyland for Halloween and we are so excited!🎃

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Thought I'd be patterning today, finished internals on legs. Feet are fully lined now, crotch and waist are fully stabilised now too.
Will get onto patterning tomorrow after Soggy Gym!

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Eye masters for my Kemono feline and canine are complete finally too! I'll mold these along side the realistic canine! Possible molding stream!

These masters will be used in Fisk once the molds have been made.

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Thanks folks who stopped by the live stream today! Cheered me up a lot and I got to continue this genuinely terrifying base! Needs work!

Molding the sika antlers is about half way through too! Can see them, pink things in the background!

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Starting component work on this cutie tomorrow! I'll also be doing component work for Koiboi and a lavender Panda too!

I'll be testing out 65D (the impact resistant video has me hella curious!)

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