Only 3 days till my book's release day! On May 25th No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest will be out in the world!

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4 Days until No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest is released! I loved designing these bird-like entranceways to the Goblin City...

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5 days until No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest releases! So excited to share this book with the world! Meet some of the nymphs that call the Forest home...

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The countdown to my book release date begins--7 days till No One Returns from the Enchanted Forest will be on shelves in in people's hands!

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✈️“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” –Anna Quindlen

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So excited for my next The sneak peek just released from BiblioKid publishing and it's fantastic. Couldn't wait to share with you all!

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Thanks Rhys! I am writer illustrator, mostly focusing on poetry lately but also have written prose. Love drawing animals and work mostly in pencil and charcoal # kidlitcommunity

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Finished this Book Cover for and Working on it was a great reminder of the importance of critique partners. I’m lucky to have so many good ones.

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Few hours past the deadline but had to make sure my seen it first. My first finished piece for our monthly challenge. This month was goals. My goal: be more mindful and what’s more mindful than a meditating kitty in a yoga pose? ❤️

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A for a the new challenge created by and . Join us by posting WIPs on Mondays + a finished illo on the last Mon. of the month. This month’s prompt is “Goals.”

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Did you know that in Providence is our 11th Here's our History of KidLitCon via

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