FREE Thousands of Classes plus Six iColorama classes for digital and procreate artists. Watch for one month free with Skillshare

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Many congratulations on the milestone and may you have more to come! ☺️ I'm Maureen and I work in both digital and traditional mediums ranging from portraits, sceneries, Children's illustrations and pattern designs. I'm also a teacher on Skillshare. Here's some of my art ☺️

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Hello! 👋 Thanks very much for this art share ☺️ I'm Maureen and I work in both digital and traditional mediums. I do mostly portraits but also backgrounds, children's illustrations and pattern designs. I'm also a teacher on Skillshare. Here's my latest piece ☺️

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Thanks very much for the artshare 🤗 I'm Maureen. I work in both digital and traditional media and also a Skillshare teacher. I do mostly portraits but also backgrounds, children's illustrations and pattern designs. Here are some of my work. Happy weekend! 🤗

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Thanks for the artshare, Wasabi ☺️ I'm Maureen and I work in both digital and traditional media. I do mostly portraits but also backgrounds, children's illustrations and patterns. I also teach on Skillshare ->

Here are some of my works ☺️

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Hello and I'm Maureen and I create both digitally and traditionally. I do mostly portraits but also backgrounds, children's illustrations and patterns. I also teach on Skillshare ->

Here are some of my work 😊

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FREE Six iColorama classes for digital and procreate artists. Watch for one month free with Skillshare

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Also I suppose I'll do everyone a favour and post the "I printscreened this from youtube" refs I was using, mostly for funfacts. I do hope the dev adds the ability to rematch Killsha, since a quest involving increasing Killsha's size via egg AGAIN in the rematch sounds funny

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I'm still in a mood, animated Killsha since the game basically taught me to jump out of the way of basically any inhale attacks. Also, animating that damn hat shaved years off my life, I’m not surprised didn’t give Killsha a rematch with her fatter form

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Okey now I finally finished! Thank you for teachs me few amazing things on I be rewatch it again next time but with my own art and take notes too! Thank you man!

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Thanks for organising this ☺️. I'm Maureen and I make portraitures and other subjects that interests me and I'm also a teacher on Skillshare. Here's my link and some of my recent works ☺️

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Should have the Skillshare tutorial for this piece finished and up within a week!

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To go along with the graphic poster, I also did an illustrative one! This was done for a little skillshare class.

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RAINBOW CONNECTED STARS! Featuring regular & faux lace repeating patterns on black & white backgrounds! I had tried making this before but I did more practice and took that class on skillshare, so finally got it to work seamlessly. Can't wait to order the fabric samples😍

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FREE Five iColorama classes for digital and procreate artists. Watch for one month free with Skillshare

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