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Limitless Power ⚙️💙
#Kirby #KirbyFanArt #FanArt #Kirby30thFest #Kirby30th #Magolor
#星のカービィ #メタナイト #metaknight #Kirby #星のカービィ30周年 #Kirby30thFest #KirbyFanArt 《Warm little story in the afternoon (fake)》"草!!"means" WTF!"
And now, a surprise piece!
#Mario #SuperMario #Kirby #Kirby30thFest #DEATHBATTLE #DeathBattleCast
星のカービィ30周年記念ミュージックフェスで嫉妬してたカービィちゃん…可愛すぎて膝をバンバン叩いてました( ˊ࿁ˋ )
#カービィ #Kirby30thFest
Yesterday I saw #Kirby30thFest and OMG NEICHEL!!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CONCERT!!!
#Kirby #KirbyandtheForgottenLand #Nintendo
#NEICHEL #Kirby #カービィ #星のカービィ
#Kirby30thFest #KirbyMusicFest #カービィミュージックフェス
rough translation of the kirby right back at ya section for the 30th anniversary music fest! let me know if someone has an accurate/semi accurate translation of the section because i would like to hear what they both said! #kirbyrightbackatya #Kirby30thFest #Kirby
I'm quite late, but nevertheless the music fest was just awesome!
#Kirby #Kirby30thFest
The Kirby Concert was pretty rad.
Anyways Marx! 💜💫
#kirbyfanart #KirbysDreamBuffet #Kirby30thFest #KirbyandtheForgottenLand #星のカービィ #カービィ #星のカービィ30周年
I loved the event, I had a good time listening to the songs, it was beautiful :"]💖💖
#星のカービィ30周年記念ミュージックフェス #星のカービィ
So much Kirby news today! The music festival, new Dream buffet trailer, the anime is getting a remaster this year. So much KIRB
#kirby #Kirby30thFest #KirbyFanArt #metaknight #カービィ #fanart
Miracle Matter
Such a badass boss, felt like drawing him and the different forms he takes on
Considering it is the 30th anniversary of my favorite Nintendo series, felt like I had to show that in a nice manner :D
#Kirby #kirby64 #Kirby30thFest