Hejka! Zrobiłam dwie, zupełnie różne, grafiki związane ze i chciałam wam je pokazać 💕

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link do lepszej jakosci w odpowiedzi, jakby kogos zlapalo za serce to smialo drukujcie czy cos

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I’m furious, I’m disgusted, I want to cry every day, and above of all I’m so, so tired. But you know what? I will not stop. I will protest and scream as long as I can. Fuck you, Poland, for what you did to me and so many other people. 1/?

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TO JEST WOJNA © 2020 Barbara Gibson, digital

All what is happening right now in my country is unacceptable.Thousands of women are protesting against Poland's new abortion laws in cities across the country and I’m one of them! 💪🏻

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I try to stay away from political topics, apart from joking about Tories of course, but Poland turned into a battlefield last week.

Check or tags for more info on awful anti abortion law.

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You can't violate women's rights and think you can get away with this!

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najsilniejsze baby z doliny muminków

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Klikajcie i bierzcie z tego wszyscy (w wersji PRINT i WEB).

Want to download and use the poster during the protest, no problem - just click on the link below and grab it in print and web formats.


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Ciekawe kiedy Polska wyjdzie ze średniowiecza 🤔

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Poland. It’s evolving, just backwards.

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The only thing more cringe than being a furry is taking away human rights.

Uważajcie na obostrzenia. Teraz mogą na nas napuścić wojsko.

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Last Thursday abortion got almost entirely banned in Poland. Women will no longer have the right to abortion in cases of fetal abnormality. It's torture. It's human rights violation. I can't believe I live in a country like this.

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I’m standing in solidarity with my fellow Polish women whose human rights are being stripped away in our own country.

What's happening in Poland: https://t.co/Xcfz11Wq1f

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