케플러 세포가 화투에 등장??

섯다(1땡)의 주인공은 'S. Morning Glory'와 'Pisum Helianthus' 와 케플러 상징색인 보라색입니다.

섯다 NFT 구매시 메타세포 에드!!🚚🚚

🌱KLAY-USDT 풀에 예치😊
🌱 팀과 함께 기부활동😊


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🥳경축🐷BabyPing! Klu Frontiers에 합류하다!🎉
앞으로 한국 NFT의 포털사이트가 될 의 메인코인인 의 프론티어 그룹에 이 합류하게 되었습니다!

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Umm, klu ada saya maka stok jajanan penuh hanyalah mitos 👉🏻👈🏻

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Another Full metal alchemist live action

I've seen the trailer, looks promising

Harap ikut storyline accurate macam FMA brotherhood, klu sebijik mcm Netflop punya live action baik xyah tayang la elok bakar je

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father was a supporter of Marcus Garvey, and was reportedly slaughtered by the Klu Klux Klan, as was his Uncle.

In 1971, Washington, D.C. was the first city to celebrate Malcolm X Day.
still claim innocence. https://t.co/59VjCJhqyi

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Setelah base colornya, aku biasanya langsung taro warna gelap sama lighting nya terus di blend. Klu masih kurang aku tambahin warna gelap trs pake brush buat blendingnya

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Kamu ya klu mau mokad, bilang dulu

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moots, adakah yang berkenan ocnya ku gambar? klu mau drop aja yak

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Makanya klu bini lu ngomong dengerin jangan cuman bucin doang 😔😔

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Kenawhy slalu telat tiap ada event.. mari berteman jika gambarku lewat tl Anda ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Oya klu liat inktoberku, maaf kebanyakan isinya simple sketch, smga tetep berkenan berteman denganku yg lebih sering ngesketch ini hehe

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drama punya memula dah reveal masa childhood cane haram kena rasuk dgn demon tu, klu webtoon punya fes ch je dah tunjuk haram jumpa dgn hong cheongi

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Some night practice
Klu buka commis di style ni, pda mo ngomis nda?

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핀터에서 봤는데 넘 아름다우셔서 그렸음

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love this JK Rowling/Klu Klux Klan ad space

(P.S. fuck JK Rowling and the KKK)

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To celebrate ‘s birthday, I drew King Dedede! I went with the Kirby 64 design because it’s Klu’s (and my) favorite

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