🍒 Missing some posts like always TwT. Now i have my OC Celica with her fixed design

Child Celica, 13 (First)
Young Celica, 19 (Second)
Adult Celica, 26 (Third by )

She is my Second Protagonist of Aruna's Legacy, hope now you guys like her too 🥰❤️

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🍒 My OC Shuu drawed by my friendo ☺️

I know hás been a looooong while i don't talked about her pra drawed her again, she is a Princesa Saiyan from Yamoshi's Age (practically), and big sister of Mariko (First Aruna)

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🍒 Daikura on Hospital, after two half weeks in coma because of Rickets and Malnutrition. She still doesn't understand why they saved her, the depression and pain of her past actions hurtly hits her mind.. 🥺

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🍒 My OC Shizuru Drawed by my friend , i love It how he drawed her and brings her true personality 😊✨

Give him a follow and support to this guy °^° 🍒💕✨

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"Ara ara~.. i came in a bad time? Or it's you wanting for a bad time? Better you kick your butt off, you won't touch them again"


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🍒 Haru coming to say something to you guys 😉💖🍫🍬

Haru: Happy Easter Day to Everyone!! ~💙💙 Take your chocolates here!

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🍒 Commission for of his female OC Midnight

✨ Hope you like It 😊💜🍒

(PS: This other version i got from a friend idea ^^)

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🍒 Majin Aruna in Flat Color, idea from my friend @/BlackPhantom_7 🤣

Was just for fun, but i liked how "Buuruna" Looks like 😆 Prepare tô turn a Cherrie!!


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🍒 Aruna Corrupted

This happens when Destiny have almost Aruna's Control, this is pratically 50% of her possesion, letting her body and mind corrupted and.. breaked mind

Hope you guys like 😊💜

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🍒 Commission for of his OC Isis, i just love it draw her, i'm satisfied with the result 😄

Hope you guys like 😊💛✨


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