koishie wakes up and stares directly into my soul

8 52

Congratulations ! The reward is smiling Koishie!

41 320


2 6

Koishie is good at playing the piano!

76 300

Koishie is good at operating a rocket!

291 1447

Koishie and friends are good at trick or treat!

870 2823

Koishie is good at a copy!

217 1194

Koishie is good at warming up!

262 1327

Koishie is good at mathematics!

348 1509

Koishie is good at PLEASE!

556 2505

Koishie is good at being happy with a fumo!

289 1194

Koishie is good at enjoying the sea!

144 750

beriyummy Koishie soup!

212 1185

Saturino devorando a su Koishie

673 2707

tan tan riddle!
Koishie is speaking something important!
Can you guess it?
The first answerer gets a tantanpou reward!

30 301