Another great week of purchases from the collection. I just enjoy going through 'em and offering for the ones I like! Grateful to those who are willing to let them go for me. 😂
Let's keep building and moving forward! Ain't no stopping us!!

7 17

The mask drop is right around the corner, now is the right time to get involved! You'll be able to equip these beauts to any you own, not only making them look even cooler but they enhance your Kokodi's in- game abilities!

3 6

Had a good few days of sweeping 's floor, its super thin atm and there are still some absolute gems going for cheap. I didn't have an alien last week, now I have 2! This is a sleeping giant waiting for the right time to re-awaken, LFG! 🚀

92 156

Winners 🏆 of zoonies x kokodi WL giveaway:

✅️send in a DM with your discord id

1 7

Just sharing some of my favs from . Perhaps I have mentioned before but I have to shout-out again on its artwork, come on look at the details and style.. These artists are insane (I might have missed out some of those artists).

10 23

KOKODI is an avatar collection of NFTs created from their love of art, anime &RPG games. They have unique masks available; Go get them guys !!

📝Event Details:

📅15 June at 12:00 am (UTC)

0 3

GM fam 🧡
6 days to go⚡️

19 67

Just swept these beauties off the floor! 's art alone is insane. You must be mad to let them go for so cheap and so close to the release of masks too, which help your Kokodi in the game that's fast approaching! 🤗🚀❤️ GET INVOLVED!

5 16

Big Koko-Flexx right now! This is what I got for tuning into the KokoDi time last night. Super stoked I won a Jammy KokoDi Kid. Stoked and Thank you!

19 42

LFG! Congrats buddy, you're holding something special. Kokodi's to the moon! ❤️🚀

4 6

Wowz that IS a kokodi collection. Congratulations and well held!

3 7

Today is the last day to submit masks for the 👺

17 49

There are two days left until the end of masks for the 👺
Hurry up! ⚡️

15 51

🔥🔥🔥 Lessgoo!
Just added another!

5 19