My name is Skookum Hime. I make weird noises, I draw, I play easy games because I forget what the buttons do. People call me Noona, and yes I did bake chat a pie. I'm so seiso that I could make a sailor cry with the words that come out of my mouth. So yeah!

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KookU - Celebrity ❤️❤️❤️

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I used to post on vkookutts but I decided to create this art account! I really excited for this new journey. Some of my art:

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hopekookules au (1/2)
that one scene in hercules except hades is seokjin and vmin are pain and panic
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[ Taekook au]

Ruh eşlerinin telepatik bir bağı paylaştıkları bir dünyada idol Jeon Jungkook tüm hayatını ruh eşini zalim şöhret dünyasından uzak tutmaya çalışarak geçirdi. Ta ki Jungkookun son hit şarkısı ruh eşinin kafasında durmaksızın çalmaya başlayıncaya kadar.

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Jungkookun üstesinden gelemeyeceği bi şey hakikaten yok herhalde diğerlerinin tornavidayla makasla üstüne vura vura açamadığı topları açtı becerikli minik

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Pirate or not, this is one of my fave pieces of SKooKuM

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Jungkookun sesi öyle yumuşak ve güzel ki insana bulutlarda dolaşıyor hissi veriyor

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“Skookum” monster illustration in Procreate on iPad Pro.

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[EXPOSITIONS JAPON] « Le monde de Reiko Okuyama », consacrée à l’animatrice Reiko Okuyama (Horus, Le chat botté, Le tombeau des lucioles…), organisée par à la librairie (Kichijôji) du 19 au 29/07/2019.

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Happy Canada Day Every Body!
It's my favorite Holiday I'm going get decked out in the Red and White and Head Down to the park for some Bannock and Fireworks and it's gonna be Skookum!

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(for KookU shipper)

JK love to hear sound of bells.. ding donggg!! 😆😆😆


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It's super cute OMG !!! 😭😭😭 make another kooku pleaseee 😂

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