Cozy Krim ☕️♥️

For our Christmas art trade ~ love youu👉👈

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We've made it so far in Krim's strip game! One more bonus round to take off what's remaining? Will you get to see what's under there? 🫣✨

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Ada yang ultah nich, colek pake krim kue kwwkk

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Take your time and enjoy the process. There's still so many things I want to get better at and I'm nowhere near where I want to be but that's why I love it! You'll never know what you're capable of if you never try in the first place.

Krim 2022 > 2015 > 2010

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[OC, rkgk]
Apakah kalian ingin tahu kenapa anakku telihat lebih muda seiring ia menjadi tua? Jawabannya adalah P*nds whitening cream 10 tahun lebih muda! dengan menggunakan krim ini setiap hari anakku terlihat lebih muda 10 tahun! waw! saat dia umur 17 dia terlihat seperti anak 7

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// yume 🎱🍵 Local AU (RenZio)
art by @.onorezasshu

🎱: udah selesai?
🍵: tinggal kumpul
🎱: *lanjut baca novel*
🍵: habis ini mampir makan es krim dulu yuk~
🎱: hm

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Doodles chibi diri sendiri sambil mamam es krim
( kayanya aku lupa color pallet persona sendiri 🥲)

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Pesona blio membuat sy lebih cepat meleleh daripada es krim mix*e

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✨Hello, I'm Krim! I'm an Artist & Live2D Rigger.
Here's some other places you can find me!


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Jajan es krim bersama Hikaru


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Diajak papah ke pasar malem ........

habis itu makan di angkringan....

tp ke mekdi beli es krim ......mnebebhehy6g6gyhuuhuhuhyhyhy

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Karyaku! Mau setor adek gemes yang doyan makan es krim

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Tadinya mau beli es krim di mall tapi entah kenapa si abang malah belok ke kedai es krim depan komplek.

Serius amat makan es krimnya bang

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DTIYS challenge (character: Tara & Krim)
1. My painting
2. oc

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Nyappy birthday 💕💕💕
Ako with his stobeli ais krim 🍓🍓🍓

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DRAW THIS IN YOUR STYLE - New OC "Tara and Krim"

To participate, follow the complete rules you find in the screenshot! You can publish your drawing on both Instagram and Twitter 💕

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Fahira lagi mam es krim😋

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Mau dong disuapin es krim sama moona🥰

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💉 "Ayo coba, enak lho, es krim natto ^^"
🐾 "Ogahh 💢"

Akhirnya kesampean komis ke @/stargazerys 🥰😘
Anggap aja sesuatu buat mengisi anniv dua tahun karena proyek pribadi saya masih WIP oke oke

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