When my frens bully me as wraith, deep inside im just "no bing bong?" 😿
Done during stream for 3hrs+

6 17

8th and last of the tokyo revengers drawing marathon (for now) is my love, chifuyu 💙 featuring Peke J!
Last drawing stream for a while UwU

4 20

Lucky 7 from the tokyo revengers is Baji-san! His eyebrows... My proudest work huhu
Streamed the last 2 days with

12 40

Im back so heres the 6th tokyo revengers drawing marathon for today. PAHCHIN! YAY!
enjoy cuteness (streamed this too)

23 47

5th for my toribe drawing marathon is akkun. He isnt as popular as everybody else but i love him and he deserves a happy life
Final stream til i come back after break

26 56

4th in my tokyo revengers marathon is kazutora. I dont think i need to explain anything here.
Mood was shit in stream but glad how this turned out

7 28

Mitsuya is the 3rd in my tokyo revengers drawin marathon :3c
Suffered coloring the hair in stream but surprisingly finished early today

26 64

Tokyo revenger drawing marathon commences! First up is mikey!
Finished on stream for 2 days!

4 18

Emilia commission for emi-chan in twitch. Hope you like it ^^
Streamed for 2 days

1 7

After 11hrs of stream. Finished my 1st batch of P5R self-indulgent chibi icons. My hand hurts but i love them
You may use them too as long as u credit me

5 13

Day 4 of jujutsu kaisen marathon is sukuna. Prolly the last for now bec i need rest lol
8 hrs of stream.. Worth it.

21 70

Jujutsu kaisen drawing marathon has begun! Today is Gojo Satoru.
6hr twitch stream... Worth it.

7 26