Ex-Valve writer Marc Laidlaw reveals the entire plot for Half-Life 2: Episode 3 https://t.co/eQIPyek3f5

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ネタバレ注意:“Half-Life”世界の物語を生んだMarc Laidlaw氏が「Half-Life 2: Episode 3」のものと思われるプロットを公開 - https://t.co/SphBxTNFyH

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Marc Laidlaw releases Half-Life 2: Episode Three's plot. https://t.co/yj7Zv4KCAX

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「Dragon Age」シリーズ最新作の開発がいよいよ本格化か、Mark Laidlaw氏が現状と“Jade Empire 2”の存在に言及 - https://t.co/Iq4wEVexN7

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The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. And then the murders began.

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