in a doodle mood. I don't think I ever doodled the alternate costumes, and I should: they all have unique idle AND cutscene anmations. Also, Lumisa has some incredible hair, like Tiamat from the 1st game. I'm sure Lemeza dissapproves via his excessive laserbeam trauma.

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It's finally that time for hard mode - I fought the final boss - who has been revamped and is no longer a joke anymore: sure his first 3 phases have Anu-tier health, but in the last phase he has i-frames now and gets to USE all those previous boss attacks.

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It's that time on hard - I partied in the underworld, got all the dissonance, rotated some corridors, and an extremly salty guy tooted his horn at me. It's The End. Also, I made my way through the final area, which actually got a special effects makeover this update.

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hard OF-A grind. Echidna is actually quite tough when you can't spam flares at her, also the knockback on her attacks is insane. Fun facts: She has a GIANT LAZERBEAM attack that, for some reason, she almost never uses. It's actually weird when hard mode doesn't use it.

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Today on hard OF-A: I decided to get past the Underworld Gates and reach Helheim. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make ABSOLUTLY SURE you save in a different file BEFORE talking to the 7th Ruler - you can get PERMANENTLY STUCK HERE if you pick a fight so CHOOSE "LEAVE" OPTION FIRST.

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Yet more hard OF-A progress. I was really not looking forward to fighting Surtr, but fortuantly the devs removed the INSTANT-DEATH PIT he used to have for an extra-deady lava floor and no-cheese AI strats. The boss is MUCH BETTER NOW, is less no-fun-allowed: the boss.

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More hard O-FA stuff. I'm happy Anu still has little health, now that he is dead I set my plan in motion: I used the AC hotsprings to pistol spam all the minibosses in the Echidna's place, then with all 12 skulls I went to Nibiru and am ready to rotate some corridors.

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This time on hard mode - I make a disgusting ammount of money and buy mostly everything. Got the Key Fairy - Death Seal - Spaulders itemchain combo. Also got the flail whip and Solved Brahma's Trial. I feel like Brahma should reveal findable glossary locations too.

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More hard progress. Cleared out Heaven's Labyrinth of minibosses and I'm so glad Griffon is not invincible anymore. Got the Axe, raided the Curry Squad tent for more app space. I'm all set to go a few rounds with the next boss.

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hard progess. Still got past the Rock of Ages so Anubis Judgement soon, got the flares, Got Ratatoing to spawn, he proceeded to bully me with norse backflips. I got past him into Heaven's Labyrinth eventually, but I will have my bullet-happy revenge in the Underworld.

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Some hard progress. Today, I went through snake japan, and can finally start preperations for my master plan - pic related. The monsters can pray to Anu, but he's busy hiding from me right now. Opened the Dark Lord's place so I can get the DOSH fairy next time.

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hard one-finger acheivment stuff. Ran around getting health orbs before fighting Volcano Cow. Fireball to the Face is STILL my no.1 leading cause of death, but at least you can whip these ones. Now I can chant words and try to remember what the mantra puzzles are.

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hard mode progress. Setting up boss ahnks, also got the Birth and Life Seals early, so take that two-soul doors, I can just go around. Healing Fairy did the heavy lifiting for mini-bossess because I am dumb and do stuff like pic related.

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mfw when I decided to do the hard mode related achievments on

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It's a x Mulbruk piece! Done for Dani's upcoming La Mulana 2 streams ♥

Also before I forget! I've got a process post here:

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La-mulana 2 fanart. La-mulana 2 を作ってくれてありがとう!#lamulana2

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