If the Lannisters never paid their debts

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| Morgana |
A while ago I uploaded Kayle drawing, saying that they were GoT themed, the colors are supposed to represent the Lannisters.

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“You Starks are hard to kill.”

“You Lannisters had best remember that.”

-Tyrion Lannister & Robb Stark

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“Bugger Joffrey, bugger the queen, and bugger that twisted little gargoyle she calls a brother. I’m done with their city, done with their Kingsguard, done with Lannisters. What’s a dog to do with lions, I ask you?” He reached for his waterskin, took a long pull.

-Sandor Clegane

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“I imagine the Lannisters taught her the difference between a kitten & a dragon the day they broke down her door.”

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FUCK THE LANNISTERS, I'm just ordering a bunch of new stock to be added to my including this one of Arya Stark

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He unsheathed his longsword & laid it on the table. "This is the only peace I have for Lannisters."

-Robb Stark

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