Conscience definition: devil on my left shoulder, on the right my angel’s out on a coffee break. Read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’ and you can read and misbehave for free with So bad is therefore good, right?

51 32

Is your conscience a little red guy with horns and a tail - then read And the Salesman Came to Town and be bad! Read free on so you can unrestricted! Free is good so it’s bad, Right?

32 22

Three zombies walked into a bar! Yeah, that’s it - it was a metal bar and they got stuck. Sorry, were you hoping for something funny? Then read ‘The Meaning? Sneakers & Creepers’ and for free on

54 33

Nope, no lump of coal this year – I’ll have to try harder in the next. Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a good and prosperous New Year! Remember It’ll cure your ills!

25 21

I'm goin' for the coal! Anyway and have a happy Christmas, Kwanza, a belated Hanukkah and very nice new year.

34 20

Conscience definition: devil on my left shoulder, on the right my angel’s out on a coffee break. Read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’ and you can read and misbehave for free with So bad is therefore good, right?

16 7

Three zombies walked into a bar! Yeah, that’s it - it was a metal bar and they got stuck. Sorry, were you hoping for something funny? Then read ‘The Meaning? Sneakers & Creepers’ and for free on

45 26

Three zombies walked into a bar! Yeah, that’s it - it was a metal bar and they got stuck. Sorry, were you hoping for something funny? Then read ‘The Meaning? Sneakers & Creepers’ and for free on

22 12

Bored with your humdrum daily life? Need some fun time and adventure? Read “And the Salesman Came to Town” and fight the devil! WARNING - just don’t plan on winning! Laugh and be bad - for free on

42 25

Do you like to be a little wicked? Do you find being a little bad fun? Then read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’, - you can be wicked and laugh for free on So, bad is good - Right? Oh, you know what I mean!

36 20

Do you like to be a little wicked? Do you find being a little bad fun? Then read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’, - you can be wicked and laugh for free on So, bad is good - Right? Oh, you know what I mean!

29 24

Conscience definition: devil on my left shoulder, on the right my angel’s out on a coffee break. Read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’ and you can read and misbehave for free with So bad is therefore good, right?

37 20

Three zombies walked into a bar! Yeah, that’s it - it was a metal bar and they got stuck. Sorry, were you hoping for something funny? Then read ‘The Meaning? Sneakers & Creepers’ and for free on

33 17

Bored with your humdrum daily life? Need some fun time and adventure? Read “And the Salesman Came to Town” and fight the devil! WARNING - just don’t plan on winning! Laugh and be bad - for free on

40 29

Bored with your humdrum daily life? Need some fun time and adventure? Read “And the Salesman Came to Town” and fight the devil! WARNING - just don’t plan on winning! Laugh and be bad - for free on

63 41

Do you like to be a little wicked? Do you find being a little bad fun? Then read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’, - you can be wicked and laugh for free on So, bad is good - Right? Oh, you know what I mean!

37 28

Conscience definition: devil on my left shoulder, on the right my angel’s out on a coffee break. Read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’ and you can read and misbehave for free with So bad is therefore good, right?

39 27

Conscience definition: devil on my left shoulder, on the right my angel’s out on a coffee break. Read ‘And the Salesman Came to Town’ and you can read and misbehave for free with So bad is therefore good, right?

50 26

Three zombies walked into a bar! Yeah, that’s it - it was a metal bar and they got stuck. Sorry, were you hoping for something funny? Then read ‘The Meaning? Sneakers & Creepers’ and for free on

34 25

Three zombies walked into a bar! Yeah, that’s it - it was a metal bar and they got stuck. Sorry, were you hoping for something funny? Then read ‘The Meaning? Sneakers & Creepers’ and for free on

43 27