My witch is ready, she's still learning, still helping and growing with her sisters 🪄🧹🧙‍♀️

1 4

Whitelists, Flipping, Alpha - that's all very well, but don't you want more from your experience?

Join me where we are learning, building & evolving together ❤️‍🔥

Money is great, but let's make it a by product, not the main focus 💰 🔥

8 21

So keep on learning, keep on trying,
And don't give up when you feel like crying.
For the more you know and apply with might,
The more delightful life will be in sight. (4/4)

1 3

What Love Says...All experiences are stepping stones toward learning, being and growth. Each stepping stone on your path helps you discover new ways to be, and to do so with love and laughter.

1 1

Finally, the Magaambya is Golarion's oldest academy of arcane learning, even if many proud schools in Avistan have never heard of it. Established by Old-Mage Jatembe and his Ten Magic Warriors in Nantambu during the Age of Anguish, it still operates thousands of years later.

4 36

The lumbermill🪓is always crowded👨‍👧‍👧with people who want useful wood material

The legendary woodworker used to be in charge, but due to his death, his spouse Jurha has taken over

Though she is learning, slow and steady, our clumsy Jurha still has a long way to go😵

12 303

Oooourrrph, jeez, you adventurers sure are persistent, but as @/HornyFoxStuffin is learning, thats not enough to beat a boss, even a low level one! <3 This scarf is a cute find, though...!

(They also drew this and are a real sweet bean who you should go bully)

128 610

GN & never stop learning, even when you think you know it all

6 17

I know it’s a little late, but happy Valentines Day to my very special and wonderful partner !!!!

I hope this year will be filled with even more growth, learning, and love for both of us as we start a big step towards our future!!!

1 20

Always learning, always creating 💗💗

14 76

Wow, I am working on several projects atm, which includes making some concept environment art for my fantasy world, card illustrations and painting as well! Learning, I love :3

2 12

Learning mouth anatomy is one of the funnest parts about learning, well, anatomy.

0 0

I've been a part of the family from the early days, and it's been amazing to watch the community grow and flourish. As a Collab Manager, I've seen firsthand the dedication and hard work of the team, constantly learning, sharing knowledge, 1/2

13 32

🔆Good Morning

👉🏻"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." 👈🏻
- Pelé🫡

4 16

Happy birthday... to us! Today marks 1 year since Cozy Penguins found their way onto the Ethereum blockchain. After building, learning, and planning with our community through 2022, we're excited to share our plans for world domination🐧.

Let's dig in 🧵1/13

50 159

a little gift to my streamer friends, and ! :D

Alle's Abilities: Time Slow, Finding Desired Items

Ashe's Abilities: Quick Learning, Infinite Memory

Bee's Abilities: Invoking Joy, Stealing Mental and Physical Energy from Joyous Beings

2 3

oh hey is trending

I'm still learning, but pixels have been my stress reliever recently.

3 14

Manabee, a bee with three antennae, is Japan’s mascot for lifelong learning, encouraging people of all ages to enjoy learning new things anytime, anywhere.

127 527


With applied learning, I managed to improve my drawing skills. So I drew ZioNeo!

12 80