데뷔 축하해!!!😉

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사진이 날거부해 😑

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너무많은 분들께서 응원해주신덕에
기분좋게 하루를 시작했습니다!
오늘 공개되는 멤버들도 응원많이해주세요!😯
다들 점심맛있게 드시고
아참 오늘하늘이 높고 이뻤답니다!

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Vous nous l’avez demandé, voici une troisième illustration spéciale de Leeanne M. KRECIC pour Let’s Play !
La team Marshall, on vous attend dans les commentaires 😉⬇️

Et n’oubliez pas que Let’s Play est disponible en librairie 📚

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October Theme of the Month: Eldritch Mafia
🦋The Monarch Boss🦋
The head of the Eldritch Mafia, @/LeeandLie is an untouchable being that has conquered the city with her 4 Capos.
Cross against her will be the end of the world.

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Après avoir fait plaisir à la team Charles la semaine dernière, on vous propose une illustration de Leeanne M. KRECIC qui enchantera la team Marshall 👀

Même si on peut se mettre d’accord pour dire que la vraie team, c’est celle de Bowser 😄

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Une petite illustration qui fera certainement plaisir à la team Charles 👀

Plus qu’une semaine avant que Let’s Play de Leeanne M. KRECIC soit en librairie 📚
Est-ce que vous avez aussi hâte que nous ?

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Me puse a leer nuevamente Boku Wa Tomodachi desde donde me había quedado y vaya..., no recordaba las ilustraciones tan hermosas que tiene

Haganse un favor y leeanlo

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Putting references together for Leeanne for Dearly Departed, and I got a good selection. But one I can't find for the life of me is a book with a smirking blonde with pigtails on the cover. I know her creator's a well known artist, but Safe Mode's off and Google's HIDING it. 😠

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Ya lo recuerdo todo

(Para saber más leean el comic)

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0.003 ETH 1/1 Polygon

“We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.” ― LeeAnn Taylor


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0.003 ETH 1/1 Polygon
“We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.” ― LeeAnn Taylor

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10- Red Velvet

Last one from Treasure Hunters is a villain \o/

Red Velvet is part of the ministry and fight against Leeane and her team as Treasure hunters are not well seen in society.

(She's a very old character, I didn't touch her design for years ;w; )

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8- Edmin

Edmin is Myla's big brother, but it doesn't really seems like it.

He used to be a royal guard but after a big failure in a mission together with his sister, they where both dissmissed from the castle and started working with Leeane.

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One more character from Treasure Hunters (name of Leeane's story).

Myla is a super gentle girl, always up to new challenges.

She was an archer from the royal guard, but after a big mistake she was sent off her duties and joined Leeane's team.

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