Diaza was chosen to be the second Gaia Knight. After the final battle with the Demon Queen, Diaza chose to stay and help raise Iris. Whip smart, confident, sarcastic, Diaza is often the smartest person in the room, and acts like it.

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Ash grew up loving the idea of magical girls and has been a long time super fan of the Gaia Knights. She idolizes them and what they stand for with unwavering support. She is hopeful, inquisitive, and stubborn, believing that there is always a way.

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In today’s , magical girls always get inner monologues in times of need. But can they always be trusted?


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A new page of is up and ready for your eyeballs! Go go go!


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In today’s comic, Ash makes an evasive action and the demons might not be super impressed with Iris’ display.


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In today’s the mystery deepens and Ash’s investigative techniques are called into question.


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Friends are there to help you when you’re down… by potentially creating even more problems! Friendship!


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Exposition dump time with Page Eleven of Grab some tea and have a sit!


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Chev might have a secret or two or three coming up. Just maybe.


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Fight forever! *clap clap clap clap clap* Fight forever! *clap clap clap clap clap*


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returns in one week! Here’s a tiny section from Page One! There’s still time to catch up with Book One before Two starts!


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