morning, i'm looking for kawanbabu to fill up my dry timeline. legal, alhaitham main, AR 59 btw. a pro yapper abt zhongli bcs he's my wife. minor homophobic dni yaa. leave a trace and ill hit up, thank you!

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I'm back from locking myself away for a few days yesterday, already on my legal age & pronouns she/her. Luckily if you like cats cuz i love to post mine on my timeline, looking for kawanbabu who's legal, not homophobic and small account. Reply anything and i'll hit you up.

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tehe! greetings, i'm looking for genshinmoots to interact with. i go by any pronouns, legal, and i'm a thoma main. pllease leave a trace and i'll hyu. minor and homophobic dni.

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Tehe! Hai! mau nyari interactive genshinmoots to fill up my timeline yang gamasalah sama akun gado2 -s. I’ll go by she/her & legal, no zhongli no life. homophobic dni ya 🫶🏻. i will love your rep and follow with ava baizhi

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Hawoo! Ayo ber kawanbabu sama aku😠 (maksa), I use she/her as my pronouns and legal, soon alhaitham main HAHAAH. if you’re interested just leave a trace! Thank you 🫶❤️

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haloO! ayo jadi kawanbabu aku :3 sender she/her, legal, kaeya & neuvi main, akunnya gado-gado 😋 yg mau bisa rep yah <3 no minors & homophobes! pls check your followers or comment karna sender mungkin ga masuk mentab ):

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hAloo! sender lagi nyari kawanbabu 💐 sender go by she/her, legal, kaeya & neuvilette main, akun gado-gado 😋 yg mau bowleh rep yh <3 no minors & homophobes! pls check your followers or qrt karna sender [mungkin] ga masuk mentab... ow! sender agak selektif hihi

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genshinmoots are urgently needed! hi, hemlo! :3 I'm legal, but my account is minor friendly, fret not. Wriothesley main, currently at ar56! toss me anything below, i will come to you in a jiffy! oh, and tcg player get a freepass <3

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hereby i’m looking for more kawanbabu to interact with <3 i go by she/her, already legal, and if you don’t mind my acc is unlabeled! just leave a trace and i’ll hyu 💗

a lil notes, my acc is minor friendly, but basic dni criteria still apply yaa! 🌹🌹

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haihaii sender ingin mencari -bllkawan krn seder sepi temen sebllk-an, sender shidou, kurona, bachira oshi! she/them, sudah legal, krn akun sender agak bahaya jadi minor dni ya!

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babu! looking for new moots yang gak masalah kalo akunku gado-gado dan kadang bahas game lain juga selain genshin, tweet & likesku random jadi aku mncari kawanbabu yang gak risih sama mau jbjb jugaa!!! aku legal, suka upload kucing, Furina main, suka NeuviFuri <33 leave (cont..)

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HAII SEMUAA, sender mau cari genshinmoots ??🫶, sender AR56 navia main 🩷____🩷, legal, anypro and part of lgbtq juga ⭐️, sender biasanya hype GI + HSR (and soon wuwa) sender juga hype animanhwa, jika km tertarik pls KETIK HMU SKRNG!! (cont..)

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Good morning! I'm looking for genshinmoots to mingle with, I go by She/They, i'm legal, and a childe main. minor and homophobic please dni. Leave a trace down below and i'll hit u up! childe enthusiast gets a freepass!

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tehe! halo semua. saya cari partner genshin buat daily atau sampai eksplor ayo. sedikit info, sender he/him, legal, xiao main, prefer main malam. drop your carrd below, i'll hit you up later. thank you!

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HALOO! sender lagi nyari genshinmoots yg demen jbjb :3 sender go by she/her, udah legal, kaeya main, acc unlabeled (suka ngetwt daily life, genshin, hsr, gambar, random stuff) & naik ship apa aja 😋 yg mau bowleh rep with anything/carrd/renty <3 minors & homophobic (cont..)

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Sender mau cari genshinmoots buat ramein tl. sender she/her, legal, Ar 60. minor ma problematik dni.

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hii, lovies! 💞
sore-sore tenang gini enaknya cari genshinmoots baru gasihh? ( -∀・) Sender lagii dalam misi untuk mencari moots baru nihh! Sender legal, F19, AR60 dan sukaaa bangett jb jb 💗

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Ayo meng kawanbabu denganku 🙁🙁, I use she/her as my pronouns and legal, aku terkadang butuh temen buat coop hehehe. if you’re interested just leave a trace! Mwah🫶❤️

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aku lagi nyari kawanbabu yang suka ngobrol dan ga masalah kalo aku kadang hype game lain (hsr, ml, etc) atau bahas hal random lainnya. pronouns ku he/him, sudah legal, ar 60 dan ayaka + zhongli main. dni for homophobic also problematic, minor are welcome! 🤍

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Hello, I'm looking for genshinmoots yang tidak keberatan dengan unlabeled acc. Saya Ar60, legal, xiao main, dan akun saya juga sering membahas game lain. Leave a trace and I'll hit you up.

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