day 25 - bee
I wanted to draw a cute minecraft bee today : 3 I tried to simulate a sunlight lensflare for this one

All your help will be appreciated by viewing adds on my utip or donate ; ) thanks by advance my poulpys

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so im getting something to work in and I look up and see this lensflare

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Lensflare - You represent everything wrong with nowadays artists and the fanbases. Reduced to enjoy a gimmick/effect over the core of anything else. Being obsessive and losing everything in your life from love, friendship, respect to even your own physical natural form.

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I wanted to do this meme when it was going around again but I was too busy at the time. So I'm doing it now.
Yes the truth comes out my eyes are actually lensflare colored.

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Q5: When n00b artists use lensflares and think they're the best thing ever.

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Finished up a Twitter icon for today

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