Leslie Virgil cosplay aka "Motivated"
aka "Storm that is approaching"

I'm motivated to procrastinate

5 14

Bruh, why dis uniform so hard to draw lol, took me ages with all the schoolwork. Anyways, normal version and one with extra stuff.

2 14

Fell asleep and forgot to post, Megane Maid Leslie and a version without megane. Both transparent probably.

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Artista: miles_art

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🎨 - @/Bobottah @/freckles_art @/Lurfleman @/boosterpang

10 33

Had to go all out for the final part, please forgive me if it looks terribad

Also, duck in the background because VADrexis said so.

My hand hurts lol

3 14

When the you switch from live 2d to png but the Apex stream is still lagging, Dame dane

0 4

Been practicing digital art, Is there progress? Probably

1 16


Rat got redesigned so I'm selling the old design, design by @/mawscore and extra art by @/rables_artworks and @/MONSTERSLI. 4 artworks including a full ref.

Selling for $50 (design alone was 50$, extra art was trades, ref sheet by me)

Shares appreciated

20 36

Fanarts para seles_art (alien rosado), itsmebalem (la de verde) y astudyinpunks (perla coral) no les pongo el arroba porque ya lo vieron hace bastante jejskj qwq

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