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Lilimon curiosamente o digimon favorito de laurindo, José e agenor aparece no setor 4 do desfile da mangueira.
Carnaval 2022
¡Más talento nacional para el #ArtistsAlley de #LaMole2022! Estarán presentes la editorial OMG Press y el Estudio Red Cloud Mavericks, así como las ilustradoras Srita. Menta (@SritaMenta) y Lilimonada (@lilimonadaa)
"Night-illuminating Flower" by Keiichi Itsuki (@keiichi_itsuki)
"lily tale" by poroze (@poroze)
"Take Me Away Into my Dreams" by nedu
"Go for it!" by Hirono Kurumi (@AtelierWalnut)
DigiPoll #44-46 aggregate results
🥈Shoutmon EX6
🥉Gaioumon: Itto Mode
4. Bancho Lilimon
5. Omegamon Zwart Defeat
6. Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode
7. Shoutmon X4K
8. Lovely Angemon
9. Gammamon
10. Guilmon (X-Antibody)
[143/?] Lilimon ❌ serie mini #pixelart 50x50
Hello! #Lilimon is here ready to have an adventure with the chosen one ! Find how to acquire this daki here:
#dakimakura : https://t.co/cBPn7ndIVt
Store: https://t.co/pX0O3SgW8p
#digimonworld #Mitgardknight #Fanart #oppai #Bodypillow #dakimakura #Animepillow #digitalart #waifu
DigiPoll #44 results
Q: Of the [35 selected] Digimon added to the DRB in 2021, which one is your favorite? (Part 1)
🥇Shoutmon EX6
🥈Bancho Lilimon
🥉Lovely Angemon
4. Guilmon X
5. Metal Greymon (Va) X
6. Rare Raremon
7. Kazuchimon
8. Bulkmon
9. Mitamamon
10. Komondomon
And another commission for kenzo2782 on instagram!! Lilimon X Roserade!! you are wellcome, Roserade, I fix your design
#digimon #digimonadventure #pokemon #fakemon #pokemonfusion #digimonxpokemon #digimonart #DigimonGhostGame
-A chaotic female-like Virus Perfect Level, something that works as a Kinkakumon or Sistermon Noir/Ciel evolution, as well as a design that fits Beel Starmon and Bancho Lilimon.
-A Tyranomon Ultimate evolution that is not mechanized.
-A Dagomon/Marin Devimon Ultimate.
¡Hola a todos los fans de #Digimon! Si os gusta #BanchoLilimon, os invito a echar un ojo a mi historia #DigimonOurLastStory, donde una de las protagonistas es la propia BanchoLilimon. Podéis encontrarla en #Wattpad.
Os dejo el Link: https://t.co/WBO0VgavEx
¿Por qué mis dos tuits con mayor éxito en esta cuenta son de BanchoLilimon? Porque se merece eso y más, obvio.
@drakesomething @reddtheshibe As I was telling Redd last night: that basically looks like Lilimon. XD
Found this old thing #Digimon #Digifake #Fakemon #Lilimon #Lillymon #Pumpmon #Pumpkinmon #jogress #fusion #Halloween
Octubre 26. Bancholilimon Halloween para @projectcos
Estará disponible en sticker pronto también.
#Corotober2021 #Inktober #AlternateInktober #Art #fanart #bancholilimon #digimon