ชั้นโปรดคลั่งรักโทชิโร่อย่างระมัดระวัง ( )

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จงจาเรินค่า (#artlonglife)

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"桃與鶴 peach & crane"
桃(aka. 壽桃)和仙鶴(aka.丹頂鶴)都有長壽吉祥的寓意。
peach and crane are meaning long-life and good fortune.

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This is....cosmic?
I love this result <3


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I created Angel Blood in 2009 on a german manga/anime community site. It's my longlife own content project. I always had struggle to draw it but I became more confident and I want it to try again. I hope you are ok when I'll post more OC stuff here too. I do fanart too of course!

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EGCG in green tea is a very powerful natural antioxidant. Most Japanese drink green tea everyday

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