Check for a of a great character driven murder mystery with undertones of X-Files, Twin Peaks, & Longmire, from & (if it helps nudge in their direction, today's her birthday...)

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I’ll probably go back to this one but for now it’s done. from the wonderful series A

3 14

This is a drawing of the actor in the role of from

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Is it this guy? 😀 Love him, can’t stop drawing him.

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This one is finished. I don’t say it often but I’m really pleased with this drawing. I wonder what Walt’s best friend would think? 😊😊

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And I also did this drawing recently. This is Walt played by also from the series

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so we can continue to celebrate a lawman with integrity. THANK YOU !

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so he will have brand new turf and LOTS more of it! THANK YOU !

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Networks get it through your thick skulls, we the people & support

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Because of the way the fans have stuck by the show despite the network's uneven marketing,

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I'm retired Wyoming law enforcement and Longmire does us proud! A&E, what were you thinking?

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