¿Porque los aviones llevan chalecos salvavidas y no paracaídas?,

Es una buena pregunta la cual vamos a desglosar en el siguiente hilo, pónganse cómodos y tenga paciencia que lo voy escribiendo como lo voy pensando y tengo dedos gordos, escribo lento

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Been working on this Belos art for awhile. I actually feel proud of it being my first time drawing him.

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The story of an unearthly race. keepers of flower talismans, endowed with unusual superpowers.

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GM 🤍
A keeper of aster mascot.
A Flosarian is infused with telepathy. Knows things about you that you don't even remember.

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An ethereal race of girls from one of the planets of the Milky Way, Flosar-19.
This is the story of strong-willing and so different women. They're the guardians of the flower talismans on their earth. The magic of the flowers gives them unusual powers https://t.co/HZfWOXw2oC

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