Meus trabalhos sao bem mais caprichado do que essa coisa que chama de "revolucao artistica"

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Camargo é um ocultista de energia e sangue, ele é malucao e fica furando gente pra beber sangue

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A fat Lucao from Dragonmaid, trying to exercise off that excess weight, commissioned by

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Practicing establishing foreground and background with
's anthro shark OC Avery, and 's Luca OC River! I just realised that they are both Anthro Fish in Water just chilling, wow XD

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Vou refazer a primeira fanart que eu postei pra ver minha evolucao!!!!!

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gosto de ver a evolucao do meu traco desde 2014 ate hj

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Eu sofri com isso quanto peguei a tablet display tb!
Minha melhor solucao foi essa aqui:

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Essa evolucaoa qui eu so n desco o accete pq essa baggy boots do boy da quarta classe eh TUDO. Mas queria o bolerinho de metal ainda. E a Meister menina esta um luxo com esse casaquinho jogado...

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"i wonder what's so special about up there" 🐚🌊🌼

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Here’s my beefy Sea Monster OC, Mateo!! I love him 😂
The third picture is @ a_drawship ‘s (Instagram) Piero! I love his design sm omg what a baby!! 😤💕

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Time to show some fish boys!

Angelo is a freelance painter with a carefree and bubbly energy

Michele is a grumpy guy born into a rich family, used to hiding away his sea monster form

I'd love to find these two some new friends and interactions ^_^

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a bit of a sloppy ref but here she is🙃

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Agora faz sentido aquele apelido que pareço um pokemon de tanta envolucao kkkk, créditos a Isa , Isa se tu tá vendo isso , muito obg pelo desenho 😗✌️(e faz até sentido por causa da backstory)

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