day 5 of pride art! ft the lovely pluless as Ryll and the lovely zoozoobab as Venom!

12 91

While the other versions of DOTD stayed true to having Cynder as a black dragon, Etranges Libellules had Cynder look purple, even though there's a lore on purple dragons.

I can get that they made her that color to help her stand out more in the game engine, but why purple?? XD

10 39

which ones do you think are the most "pluless"?

12 225

A few bean doodles and scrapped Nero doodle I found, if you vaguely recognise it no you don't /hj

(Characters belong to @/ReinBloo & @/pluless respectively)

11 64

Sept libellules à retrouver sur la musée, elles volent entre Christophe, fou au godemichet, Antoine, Roch et sur quelques trépassés
[insérer une conclusion iconographiquement convaincante]

3 4

hi im having a name crisis rn and i dont post often but im aroace and sexy so. these r all my friends ocs (@/bIuebranch, @/pluless, @/shrimpycam go follow them <3)

4 23

I tried a new concept (w/ Yagumo ofc ♡) but I'm not 100% sure abt how it looks like, still too much colors for my taste (13&11).

I think I'm gonna call these Dollules for the moment?

2 5

Sa forme finale est surpuissante, alliant les cellules de Cell et de Majin Buu.

Un avis personnel: le personnage est potentiellement bien plus intéressant que Super 17 de DBGT et mériterait que son background soit dignement développé.

4 11

C21 est possède de multiples personnalités bien caractérisées dû au fait qu'elle possède des cellules de nombreux personnages.

2 11

Plot-twist : Les pilules d'Amado inversent le processus et donc au lieu d'avoir Momoshiki qui se réincarne dans le corps de Boruto, on aura la conscience de Boruto qui va se réincarner dans le corps de Momoshiki

34 308

I am Digit! From quotev! Asking a friend to tweet this for me- I'm very late to the party but here is my entry! I hope it isn't too gendered and please ignore the bad background I didn't know what to do, love your content Plu!

8 42

Ma théorie c'est que, Vegeta, Goku et Broly ne sont pas sur terre (pour s'entrainer).
Pan,Goten et Trunks devront combattre les clones de Goku,Vegeta créés à partir des cellules pré-Cell et Buu créé à partir des données de Babidi (le RR a du les retrouver).Ca coïncide avec ça :

2 4

So, I had the best idea the moment I saw this contest,

This isn't that idea, I forgot that one, BUT! DISCO TIME!! WOO YEAH!!! DISCO DISCO DISCO-


10 105

Took a bit, but this is my design of for their

Both the unshaded and shaded versions.
If y’all have the chance and time, you should join the contest. It’s fun, and the rules are at the top of the hashtag.

9 61

Attempt 2 :D,
Much better then the first.
I apologize if the clothes are too gendered :<

3 35

might have girl bossed way too close to the sun-
I was going for a fantasy sorcerer vibes :,]

Base was made by the only and only ofc :]

8 96