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Waterfall in Småland
Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl
Waterfall in Småland
Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl
Waterfall in Småland
Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl
Waterfall in Småland
Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl
The delivery cervice that usually goes by foot. This little helper robot is about to be delivered to a customer.
#Gislaved #konstrunda #smålandsstenar #konst #digitalart #sweden #apocalypse #economicrash
Waterfall in Småland
Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl
In Blendasägnen, Blenda of Småland saves her country from invasion by inviting the warriors to a feast. She sees to it that the invaders are plied with alcohol. Alongside her army of women, she kills the men after they fall into drunken slumber. #FolkloreThursday @FolkloreThurs
#OTD (May 26 OS), #Linnaeus was shown #stinkhorn (#Phallus impudicus; a scarce #fungus found in #Småland by a local doctor). Boys were eating #Pinus sylvestris #sapwood as a snack; he extolled its virtues as a #medicinal plant. Then he saw #nightjars (#Caprimulgus europaeus).
Det finns många vägar till den magiska,
många är de sätt man blir nedsänkt,
färgglatt är resultatet,
som en regnbåge kappa
målade av solen.
There are many ways to the magic,
many are the ways to be immersed,
colorful is the result,
like a rainbow coat
painted by the sun.
Join our Instagram-challenge, #directingthelandscape. Take photos inspired by Marcus Larson’s Waterfall in Småland. https://t.co/j3kADAdFLC
Den lidande Jesus. Måndagsgruppens konfirmander målade påskens drama. #svenskakyrkan @Vardagsbibel
@blommablomma du kan döda mig om du vill haha
(jag äger på att måla innanför linjerna)