Hi everyone in 2022! I'm Tobias Foxtail.
I'm one of, if not THE Biggest, Fattest and Flabbiest Foxtaur in the Furry Fandom! ^^
*Happily hugs you all at once in my big arms*
Artists: / / /

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How It Started: How It's Going:
Christmas Edition

Merry Taurmas To All and To All a Good Night! ^^

Artists: (Left) / (Right)

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Getting bigger and bigger thanks to these Swell Donuts that Cosmic keeps feeding me. Thank you. ;3

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A late pic, but one that I want to share because it was also my wonderful friend 's birthday yestaurday! ^^
Happy Birthday my big cattaur buddy! :D

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I wanted to showcase some awesome macro pics that my wonderful macro wolfrootaur brother Mocha has done for me over the years.
Thank you for being so wonderful to me. And keep reaching for the stars! ^^

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Funny how my birthday and fell on the same day this year. Pretty awesome. :3

Now I'm gonna showcase some of my fav artwork comm pics from 2021 so far. :3

Artists: / / /

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"I told ya this macro-friendly drive-in was a cool idea. ;3" Just hanging out with my big bro .

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Celebrating Christmas in July in a BIG WAY this year! :D
A very special thank you to for doing this artwork for me! ^^

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I've been seeing this meme float around lately and now I'm curious: What do you all think is a great size for me? What sizes do you like seeing me at?
Artists: , ,

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Oh I can't contain in just 4 pics! :3
I need to show more of my big, huge, fat, beautiful foxtaur frame! ^^
Artists: / / /

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*The Earth shakes and quakes under my tremendous weight as I happily walk in. My magnificent girth fills the entire space as I loom over you, smiling my big goofy foxy smile. ^^*
Did someone say ;3

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And I only want to keep getting bigger, fatter and flabbier! ^^
A sincere thank you to every artist that I have commissioned for making me look & feel larger than life itself! ^^
Artists: / / /

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I LOVE being a big, huge, fat and flabby fluffy foxtaur.
It's the best feeling in the world! ^^
Just the feeling of being so huge, fat and flabby just makes me feel happy. :3
Artists: / / /

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I introduced my wonderful fat Crux friend to the excellence that is Tex Avery's 1947 classic "King-Size Canary." I love this cartoon. It got me into the world of fat furries & macros that I love to this day.

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Spending some quality time at my local macro-friendly drive-in theater with my big fat macro taur bro . It's so nice to just relax with a friend and consume a trailer-sized snack bar. ;3

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Thank you all for an AWESOME MACRO MARCH! :D
I love the artwork and creativity that all of you do to celebrate this wonderful time of the year! ^^
Thank you all!
And as always, Keep on GROWING! ;3

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The best part of being macro is being able to share that love with the people that I love and care about. ^^
Artists: feat. , &

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"I've got the whole world, in my paws! I got the whole world in my paws!"

Celebrating in a BIG WAY today!
Thank you so much for doing such an amazing job of showcasing me on a galactic scale.

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