ENCHANTED ... pickaxe cuz im a minkruft nolife

day two finiiished

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Inktober day 1: Moon 🌙

It only just started and I’m already a little behind but I hope you enjoy the picture of Wynn sleeping under the moon!

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day 2: “enchanted”. The Book of Vanitas ~ 📘✨💙 His book was the most magical thing I could think of
( prompts by )

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I might be switching between the prompt lists ;; we'll see!

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For today’s prompt (bat) I was thinking of a my first DND character. I was a half elf Druid and I befriended soooo many animals. So I thought it would be funny to draw a Druid doing the exact thing I did

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Hello there!! Today’s prompt is ATHAME aka sacred dagger... easiest way to explain it. I finished this piece and found a lot that I don’t like but don’t have time to redo it... but I finished today’s prompt so I’m happy.

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Hello all!! Today’s prompt is QUILL. I was drawing this piece and realized she looks like Kirsten Dunst when she played Mary Jane Watson in Spider- Man. Lol but this was a fun draw.

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Hello all... it’s cold here and I really wasn’t feeling drawing today but I finished the prompt. Today’s prompt is SKULL. I hope you like it and tomorrow’s will be better.

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Sorry it’s a little late... I had adulting to do. I want to take more time with this one later on... but I like it. Today’s prompt is TAROT. Hope you like it!!

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Hello all! Today’s prompt is FOX. So I had a little bit of fun and drew some fix like creatures and a fox mask and a super BA character!! I absolutely love it and hope you do too!

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So today’s prompt is TAILSMAN. I hate this picture but I pushed a finished it as much as I can... can’t like them all. If I had more time I might hat liked it. *shrug* I made a yuan ti character worships Zehir.

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Today’s prompt from Woodland Magic inktober is GRIMOIRE! I don’t know why but it reminded me of a friend of mine’s unicorn character.

“Hey what are you reading?”
“Oh umm.... nothing.” Smile

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Today’s prompt is MOTH. I took inspiration from a deaths head hawkmoth and an amazing artist that designed most of the lace I did on this mask. I designed some and took aid from a shutterstock artist (unknown)

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Hello hello again all!! Today’s prompt is STARS. I didn’t really want to draw realistic stars so some bubble stars and some sparkles teehee.

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As I worked on today’s prompt (RUNE) I made myself a new DND character. A tiefling necromancer named Sarrow. They are absolutely amazing and sooooo much fun to draw!!

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Didn’t realize yesterday’s prompt didn’t post... so yesterday was dried flowers (which I didn’t color... wasn’t a fan of it) and today’s prompt was bone. I drew a mother and son hobgoblin eating the little bits on the bone

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Evening all!! Today’s prompt was cauldron. So the thing that came to mind is a young witch learning to make potions. I love how she turned out!!

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Hello there!! Today’s prompt is CAT!! So I thought this would be a great time to draw our newest additions to our family!! Miles Morales (Spider-Man... black kitten) and Tony Stark (Ironman... tuxedo kitten)

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